i've slept 5 hours in the past 3 days. i am insanely tired.

i actually find it easier to draw ridiculously detailed stuff, when my brain is on auto pilot. this is something i'm working on in my spare time.
so i've been drawing a lot lately and playing around with a new technique. one that gives my work a more photo realistic feel. i'm in love with it. :D

seriously, photoshop is such an amazing program and there is so much that you can do in it, that i literally learn something new everyday. this new technique i've been blabbing about probably isn't new at all. really. i just didn't know about it until now.

you just sketch out your image, then use the color picker and photo reference to lay down some basic color shapes and lighting with a hard edge brush (100% opacity) and  pressure sensitivity on.  after that you just duplicate that layer a few times and it literally builds up the color for you so that all that's left is some fine tuning, blending, and details.

simple? yes.

have other artist been doing this for years? most probably.

but for me, its something new, fun, and helps get the job done a lot quicker.
still helping my mother move into her new home. its been a long, tiresome, and educational process. buying a new home is hard work. i miss my computer :-(





The world as i see it, revolving around me!!
